Summer Seasonal eating brought to you by Melissa Olson & MKelevate

We love to partner with local businesses and each quarter we share the knowledge of Melissa Olson at InTune Nutrition. This time of year there is so much fresh food coming from your garden, local farmers markets and farms. Click on the link to view Melissa’s Newsletter that includes information that will open your eyes as to why to take advantage of this season and all the good locally grown food.

Summer Seasonal Eating

By Melissa Olson, In Tune Nutrition

Summertime provides a vast array of delicious foods to be enjoying! Gardens are in full production, roadsides are bursting with fruiting bushes, and farmer’s markets are overflowing with all varieties of vegetables and fruits! The summer season is dangling an “easy button” in front of us for seasonal eating. 

There are so many nutrient dense, whole, fresh foods available this time of year, and they are all excellent choices. The one food I encourage you to triple down on, is blueberries! Their deep blue color comes from anthocyanins which are powerful antioxidants. They help protect your cells from oxidative stress and damage, promote heart, cardiovascular, and brain health, and may help lower your risk of cancer and dementia. Blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties and are an excellent source of fiber and other nutrients.

Blueberries are one of the easiest fruits to pick, wash, and store. With a quick wash and dry, they can be plopped in a freezer container for use all winter long. Berries retain their nutrients through the freezing process!

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Mandy + KristiComment
Wednesday Workouts with MKelevate

Just three girls doing their thing!

Mandy and I do these awesome workouts with our friend Erica.  We met Erica many moons ago at this little gym in Salmon Creek.  We started as acquaintances and as we continued to orbit the same classes, we grew to become friends.  Fast forward 17 years…. Wow time flies when you are having fun.  The three of us are still friends and love working out in the morning.  We also enjoy challenging ourselves as well as each other.

With the MKelevate schedule Wednesday is our best day to get the three of us together for a kick butt workout, before kids’ yoga at the Elementary Schools.  We connect at 6:30 at the Gaff, my home gym, and create a fun/challenging workout weekly. 

We love them so much we decided we needed to share them with you.  These workouts can be done at home or in a gym.  Grab a friend or do them solo, no matter what you will get the same good feeling that we do, when we complete another Wednesday workout.

Below is the secret sauce of our workouts.  We begin with one of us on the bike (or cardio of their choice) while the other two switch between the first and second exercises, one minute each.  Then switch who gets to ride the bike (cardio) and the other two do Exercise 1 and 2. Yes, that means someone will do back-to-back exercises. Then one last switch and everyone has had a turn with cardio and 4 minutes of kick butt moves.  Rinse and repeat 2 more times, with the next exercises, to finish the workout!!!

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Kristi Herron
In Tune Nutrition - Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition is one of the keys to the puzzle of being healthy, along with moving your body, and sleeping.  There are many different views on nutrition and what we should eat.  Our thoughts (Mandy and Kristi, MKelevate) on nutrition lean towards a well-balanced diet; Eating in moderation and not cut things out completely unless there is an allergy.  I (Kristi) met Melissa Olson through the Ridgefield Chamber and liked her vibe and wanted to learn more about her and her business.

Melissa owns In Tune Nutrition located in Vancouver, Washington.  She does nutrition response testing.  What is Nutrition Response Testing?  Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive method of analyzing a person’s body to determine the areas of the body that are stressed out or not functioning as well as they could be, what is contributing to the stress, and nutritionally, what can be used to support the body to function betters so you can start feeling better. 

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Feeling SAD?

We wanted to share more about a personal experience of living with SAD.  Mandy began feeling the effects of it as far back as college but didn’t know that was anything more than the winter blues.   During our yoga training, she was able to connect with herself and this helped her to better understand the correlation between her feelings and how the seasons and darkness may be affecting her.  So we sat down and chatted more about SAD and her coping mechanisms. 

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Kristi HerronComment

OK, so who has started their holiday shopping already? Are you still looking for something special to give to someone special? Well, we think we have the perfect gift!
Why not give the gift of health this year!
In addition to a unique and healthy gift, you’ll also be supporting a local, small business. We would appreciate it so very much!

We have so many class options!! Really, we have something for everyone. Let us customize a gift certificate perfect for that special someone you have in mind.

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Mandy + Kristi
Improving stress and creating lifestyle habits

What do you do when you feel stress creeping up? Do you typically choose unhealthy options to give you that quick burst of endorphins or do you turn to action? I know it may depend on the day. If I am conscious of the stress, I try to redirect it into a workout, a short but intentional breathing session or sometimes even a quick tidy up of my work area helps, as a mess really adds to my stress and/or anxiety.

When I am unconscious of stress, I find myself turning to less healthy options like food, drink or negative self-talk. This very rarely works, but somehow it is still where my unconscious self drives me.

I find that keeping a regular workout routine really helps keep me steady and allows me to be conscious of the stressors in my life. As well as a regular workout schedule, getting enough sleep is a big factor that helps to reduce stress levels.

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Kristi Herron
What’s your Favorite Recipe?

The seasons are definitely changing. I can feel the crisp cool mornings and the darker afternoons as clouds begin to roll in and become a much more prominent part of our view. If I’m being honest I already long for those extended sunny days were daylight can linger until 10 PM. I love those afternoon barbecues outside. I love feasting on local berries and fresh vegetables from my garden. Meals that almost prepare themselves!
However, the seasons remind us that we have to keep moving forward, and as we move forward we can only hope that better things are in our future.

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Mandy DeBordComment
One week of free classes for new clients

As we were chatting over a cup of coffee, we decided that giving away one free class to each person who was interested in MKelevate made it too hard to choose which class to try. So as of now, if anyone new signs up on our website, to receive our emails, they will receive a full week of classes. We currently offer six classes a week. The classes we are now offering are all different and unique. Here is a brief rundown of all of our classes.

Sole bootcamp is a labor of love for us. We both love a good sweat and came up with a way to work our bodies and incorporate yoga flow. Sole bootcamp is a 45-minute class with four moves that we do three times. In between the specific exercises we flow and stretch our muscles, tending to focus on the ones we just worked. Then we finish up with a stretch and send everyone on their way with a smile.

Cardio class is a 45-minute class led by Mandy on your own home cardio equipment. Kristi has enjoyed her early morning classes for years. The best part about our Cardio class is that you can do it from home. You wake up, throw on any clothes, it doesn’t even matter if they match, no one is checking you out.😉 Get an amazing sweat on your stationary bike, elliptical machine, treadmill, etc. then hit the showers.

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Kristi Herron
Questions you have... and answers we... might have.

When can we go back to live classes?
Governor when can we do this? Oh wait we are supposed to answer this… Our answer s when we can open the invite to everyone. Currently we can only have 5 people in a live class, and how would we choose????
If it is live action you crave, stay tuned as we have and will continue to offer live outdoor pop-ups and events.

What will live classes look like when we go back?We hope they look very similar to pre-Covid classes. We will continue to always keep your comfort level as our highest concern.

Will the online classes be available when we are able to go back to live classes?
Yes we are keeping our online classes going as we both love the flexibility it offers you as well as us! We also love the recorded options that allows you to watch the classes live, on demand, or both!

How many times can I watch the recordings?

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Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are an awesome way to pack in the vitamins, antioxidants and energy to start your day. I love them cold in the summer and heated up in the winter. My summer oats usually are topped with fresh berries, a little homemade jam and/or a touch of nut butter.
Come fall months I love to transition to chopped green apple and cinnamon to top off my warmed up bowl.
I hope you enjoy this recipe!

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Mandy DeBord
Chakras 101 (Part 2)

Welcome back!

Last week was an overview of Chakras 1-3. I hope you found some of the information informative and helpful for building a knowledge base and connection to your own chakras. I want to reiterate that the study of these 7 chakras could take months and even then you could still find yourself only at the tip of the iceberg. My hope is that this will be a far less intense, and if anything, it will allow you to understand yourself and how your own Chakras can find their balance.
OK, let’s dive back in with the 4th Chakra!

4th Chakra
Color: Green
Location: Heart, Circulatory, Lungs, arms and hands

Ahhhh the fourth chakra. Looooove. That is the main focus here. Right now, pause from reading this and take a deep breath in, expanding arms out to the side and over head as you inhale. Then, gently as you exhale, bring palms together to heart center. Go ahead…I’ll wait here.

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Mandy DeBord
Chakras 101 (Part 1)

I thought it would be fun to do a blog about Chakras! Who wants to learn a little bit about your own Chakras? Fun! With that said, keep in mind there are hundreds of books, pictures and stories all about these 7 little wonders, but I’m going to do my best to give you just a little overview of each one.

Let’s navigate our way into this amazing system and take a little glimpse into the power of opening the mind, body and spirit. I’ll do my best to describe each one and then help you learn about your own chakras—how they work and how to drive your own responses. Once you understand them better, you can use that knowledge to balance your thoughts and feelings, as well to manage and observe how you respond to outside stimulation like people, work, stress, joy…etc.

Let’s get started!

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Mandy DeBord
Keeping our community together... Online classes with MKelevate

We have successfully completed one week of online classes and it was so fun to see everyone! We really miss our yogi’s young and young at heart. We feel so incredibly lucky to have such amazing people in our lives! Together we will continue to have fun and keep ourselves moving, even with all of the new rules and shelter in place laws.

We look forward to every class when we get to see your faces, share a laugh and a smile. We are so proud of you all for putting in the effort to keep your practice going! (insert our standing ovation and overwhelming gratitude here). We thought it would be fun to share some pictures of our classes and let you see how far you have come and the amazing community we all have.

If you haven’t hopped on to a class yet you should totally do it! Here is a compilation of photos from this week. Take a look and please let us know if you have any questions or need any help.

Click Read More to see the photo gallery.

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Kristi Herron
MKelevate moves to online Yoga Classes

We are an ever-evolving company and starting this week we are switching to an online format for all our classes, until our shelter in place is lifted here in Washington State. This is something completely new for us, so we took the last two weeks to practice.

Teaching yoga has become part of our lives and we have really missed it as our last class was on March 13th due to the Covid-19 outbreak. We needed to find a way to get yoga back into our daily lives and yours. The breathing, stretching and relaxing is so important for managing stress and anxiety. All of us have at least a little of that going on, and most of us have a lot. Our intention is to add a little bit of joy thru yoga and community to your life!

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Kristi Herron