Questions you have... and answers we... might have.
Inquiring minds want to know!
When can we go back to live classes?
Governor when can we do this? Oh wait we are supposed to answer this… Our answer s when we can open the invite to everyone. Currently we can only have 5 people in a live class, and how would we choose????
If it is live action you crave, stay tuned as we have and will continue to offer live outdoor pop-ups and events.
What will live classes look like when we go back?
We hope they look very similar to pre-Covid classes. We will continue to always keep your comfort level as our highest concern.
Will the online classes be available when we are able to go back to live classes?
Yes we are keeping our online classes going as we both love the flexibility it offers you as well as us! We also love the recorded options that allows you to watch the classes live, on demand, or both!
How many times can I watch the recordings?
You can watch the on demand recorded classes as many times as you like in the 7 days, so please take advantage of that!!
How many classes a month do I need to do to make the MKP the best deal?
The short answer is two classes a week makes the MKP the best deal. We currently offer 6 classes a week so minimum 24 classes each month are offered to all MKP’s, sometimes more. For instance this month we will have 27 classes.
I still need convincing, what’s another bonus of the MKP?
Being an MKP allows you one transaction. Click HERE to purchase it and you’re done. We take care of all the busy work of signing you up for each class.
Not only will you get the links to all of the live classes but you’ll also get the on-demand links after. Does it mean you have to take them all? Nope. But ya can!
What is the difference between an event and a pop-up?
Pop-ups are classes you may use your punch card or purchase as a single class. Pop-ups are included as part of the MKP.
Events are a set fee for everyone and typically involve a third party with added extras.