Posts tagged fall
In Tune Nutrition - Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition is one of the keys to the puzzle of being healthy, along with moving your body, and sleeping.  There are many different views on nutrition and what we should eat.  Our thoughts (Mandy and Kristi, MKelevate) on nutrition lean towards a well-balanced diet; Eating in moderation and not cut things out completely unless there is an allergy.  I (Kristi) met Melissa Olson through the Ridgefield Chamber and liked her vibe and wanted to learn more about her and her business.

Melissa owns In Tune Nutrition located in Vancouver, Washington.  She does nutrition response testing.  What is Nutrition Response Testing?  Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive method of analyzing a person’s body to determine the areas of the body that are stressed out or not functioning as well as they could be, what is contributing to the stress, and nutritionally, what can be used to support the body to function betters so you can start feeling better. 

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