In Tune Nutrition - Nutrition Response Testing
Nutrition is one of the keys to the puzzle of being healthy, along with moving your body, and sleeping. There are many different views on nutrition and what we should eat. Our thoughts (Mandy and Kristi, MKelevate) on nutrition lean towards a well-balanced diet; Eating in moderation and not cut things out completely unless there is an allergy. I (Kristi) met Melissa Olson through the Ridgefield Chamber and liked her vibe and wanted to learn more about her and her business.
"Sometimes the
smallest step
in the right direction
ends up being the
biggest step of your life.
Tiptoe if you must,
but take a step."
~Naeem Callaway
Melissa owns In Tune Nutrition located in Vancouver, Washington. She does nutrition response testing. What is Nutrition Response Testing? Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive method of analyzing a person’s body to determine the areas of the body that are stressed out or not functioning as well as they could be, what is contributing to the stress, and nutritionally, what can be used to support the body to function betters so you can start feeling better.
For me, the best way to learn more about what Nutrition Response Testing is, was to go in for an initial exam and here is what that entails.
To begin with I filled out a form that talked about things that may be bothering me, like stomach issues, sleep, weight gain, etc. After going over that initial paperwork she began the initial testing. The first test was a zinc test and a heart rate variability test. Then she tested how healthy my nervous system and all my organs are. The test for the nervous system and organs was quite interesting. I began laying down on the table and holding a locked arm. Then she placed a hand on my locked arm and then contacted the area associated with my body’s organs. When she contacted an organ that needed some sort of support, my arm would unlock to indicate protection of the organ instead of the locked the muscle. See the video clip below for an example of the testing.
After the testing she indicated that my nervous system was stuck and that my eyes needed the most support. To find out what my body needed she put different supplements on my belly in a glass dish. The reason for the glass dish is that your body can ---recognize the biochemistry of the--- the supplements. Kind of like when you see sun through a glass window that your body knows what to do with it. My number one supplement that was missing was a digestive enzyme. According to Melissa this particular supplement will support any foods that my body has a hard time digesting.
Melissa indicated, through the testing, that I have a sensitivity to Nuts and seeds, egg whites, sugars, fats & oils, oats, gluten, grains, and wheat. From her research and knowledge digestive enzymes should help balance my gut and that I don’t need to cut these foods out of my diet. This is huge to me, as I love moderation not elimination of foods. Melissa said that if you have an actual allergic reaction to foods, eliminating them I usually necessary. Her goal is to help people to be able to eat all foods.
Ok so now you know how the testing works. I am sure you really want to know what the goal is of this testing.
The goal is to heal the body with real food and to increase the body’s ability to heal as fast as possible, and to feel great and have all the energy to do what you want to do. Melissa offers concentrated, whole food in a tablet, capsule, or powder, prepared using a unique manufacturing process that preserves all of the active enzymes and vital components that make it work as Nature intended. I am going to stick with Melissa for follow up visits and share the results.