Wednesday Workouts with MKelevate
Just three girls doing their thing!
Mandy and I do these awesome workouts with our friend Erica. We met Erica many moons ago at this little gym in Salmon Creek. We started as acquaintances and as we continued to orbit the same classes, we grew to become friends. Fast forward 17 years…. Wow time flies when you are having fun. The three of us are still friends and love working out in the morning. We also enjoy challenging ourselves as well as each other.
With the MKelevate schedule Wednesday is our best day to get the three of us together for a kick butt workout, before kids’ yoga at the Elementary Schools. We connect at 6:30 at the Gaff, my home gym, and create a fun/challenging workout weekly.
We love them so much we decided we needed to share them with you. These workouts can be done at home or in a gym. Grab a friend or do them solo, no matter what you will get the same good feeling that we do, when we complete another Wednesday workout.
Below is the secret sauce of our workouts. We begin with one of us on the bike (or cardio of their choice) while the other two switch between the first and second exercises, one minute each. Then switch who gets to ride the bike (cardio) and the other two do Exercise 1 and 2. Yes, that means someone will do back-to-back exercises. Then one last switch and everyone has had a turn with cardio and 4 minutes of kick butt moves. Rinse and repeat 2 more times, with the next exercises, to finish the workout!!!
Now I can’t wait to share the first Wednesday Workout routine!! Watch our YouTube Short and please like and subscribe for more workouts!!
Walkouts - Start in a standing position and lift your hands over your head for a great stretch. Then swan dive down towards the floor. Walk your hands out into a plank. From plank, walk your hands back to downward facing dog, take a moment here then walk your hands back to a forward fold. Reverse swan dive back up and do it again.
Skaters - Lean forward, jump laterally to the right, bringing your left foot behind you and swinging our left arm in front. Return to the left in the same fashion. Repeat this side-to-side movement for one minute.
3 Hop lateral switch – Hop on your left foot three times, on the third hop press off towards the right and land on the right foot. This is like a skater but requires more balance. Repeat on the left foot, continuing to alternate between left and right.
3 Hop lateral switch
Pushup/Side Plank - Get down on the ground. Get into a plank position, aka front leaning press, and do one pushup. Then rotate into a side plank. Rotate back into the plank position and switch to the other side plank. Rotate back to plank and repeat the pushup. This exercise can be modified to a kneeling plank and a kneeling pushup.
Pushup Side Plank
30/30 Split Lunge Pulse - Get into a lunge position with your left leg in front, knees bent between 120-90 degrees. Lower the back knee down towards the ground, pulsing around an inch or two from the starting position. After 30 seconds switch sides.
30/30 Split Lunge Pulse
3 Way Shoulders – Pick up some medium light wights and hold them in your hand. Drop your arms to your side and lift your arms to the outside, making sure to not lift your arms above your shoulders. Then slowly lower them back down. Rotate your arms to the front, palms facing down and lift your arms to the front, making sure to not lift your arms above your shoulders. Then slowly lower them back down. Curl your arm up by your shoulders and then lift straight up over your head. Slowly lower them back down and start back at the beginning.
3 Way Shoulder
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