Is muscle loss inevitable?

Let's talk about our muscles and the strength of our body as we mature…
like a fine wine of course.

Is Sarcopenia inevitable? Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle tissue as a natural part of the aging process.  Basically, this is the loss of the size and strength of our fast twitch type 2A and 2B muscles.  Right now, you’re thinking, boohoo!  However, is this inevitable?  Let’s take a closer look and see what we can do about it.  

From our glutes to our biceps, our muscles contain two types of fibers, the slow twitch (type 1) and the fast twitch (type 2).  These muscles differ in the types of energy they make.  Fast twitch muscles are for more powerful, quick movements; like lifting a heavy box to even getting out of your chair.  Slow twitch muscles are better for long-term endurance activities.  They are both essential to your overall health.  

So, coming back to Sarcopenia, as we age our muscles can break down.  Even once we pass the age of 30, we need to work on increasing our protein intake as well as our muscle building exercises.  Older adults have an even greater need for protein and strength training.  As we age, our muscle protein synthesis decreases and we need to account for this, by simply consuming more.  

What is the correct amount of protein?  To figure out what you need, let's start by taking your body weight and multiplying it by 0.4.  That number you see is the RDA (Recommended Daily Amount) of protein. 

However, there are many variables that play into this number.  Are you exercising/strength training?  (you’re nodding yes here :) Are you over 55? Are you in a recovery state?  This all plays a role in how much we need.   

Strength training does not need to be intense barbell weightlifting.  Getting up and down, wall push-ups, resistance bands - all of this assists in maintaining muscle strength.  That 0.4 (RDA) amount may need to look like 0.6 - 0.8 if you are an older adult who is exercising.  It is so important to combine that resistance training with cardiovascular training in addition to adjusting your protein intake.  

How can we get this protein?  You know, both Kristi and I are huge proponents of balance/moderation all around.  So, this doesn’t mean steak for dinner every night.  However, it is great in moderation, being mindful of the saturated fats.  Bring in fish, seafood, beans, vegetables, fruits.  All of which have levels of protein in them.  Even a protein supplement could be beneficial in your homemade drinks/ smoothies.  

How we consume the protein is important as well. Basically, don’t strive to get all your recommended amount at one meal. Moderation and balance is your best bet for your body here!  25 grams breakfast, lunch and dinner are an example of giving your body that constant intake of nourishment.

With this information, I'll go back to the question.  Is Sarcopenia inevitable?  NO. (woohoo!)

The balance of workouts we offer (spin, Strength, Bootcamp and Yoga) are all keeping those slow and fast twitch muscles in check!  Combine that with your increase in protein and rainbow-colored plates you’re making, and you CAN get (and maintain) that healthy state. 

Age is just a number.  Our mobility and what we feed our body can act as our own fountain of youth. 

It's up to you to activate it!

A picture is worth 1000 words. Take a look!

Mandy DeBord