Chakras 101 (Part 1)

I thought it would be fun to do a blog about Chakras! Who wants to learn a little bit about your own Chakras? Fun! With that said, keep in mind there are hundreds of books, pictures and stories all about these 7 little wonders, but I’m going to do my best to give you just a little overview of each one.

Let’s navigate our way into this amazing system and take a little glimpse into the power of opening the mind, body and spirit. I’ll do my best to describe each one and then help you learn about your own chakras—how they work and how to drive your own responses. Once you understand them better, you can use that knowledge to balance your thoughts and feelings, as well to manage and observe how you respond to outside stimulation like people, work, stress, joy…etc.

Let’s get started!

There are 7 Chakras and each are located along the center of the body (see image below) where nerve bundles gather along the spinal cord. Chakra comes from the Sanskrit term meaning wheel or disc. These 7 colorful wheels of energy work to make us who we are as well as assist us in finding areas that are off balance, need more or less attention. Picture a perfect symphony, all instruments playing in beautiful harmony and balance. That is the goal we strive for when aligning and balancing our own chakras. However, if one instrument or one section plays out of tune, it can throw off the whole sound. Our bodies are very similar. The Chakras can act as finely tuned instruments that we can listen to and tune when the sound we’re hearing/feeling isn’t as harmonious as we’d like.


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1st Chakra
Color: Red
Location; Base of the Spine, nerves feeding Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones

This first Chakra is associated with how we relate and react to the physical world (earth). It is the base of who you are, what makes you, and what grounds you. It is survival and vitality to our physical body, so this Chakra has to do with our physical health as well. Taking care of our body in which we do everything is so important. This body is our physical self that encases our essence and our life force and we must treat it accordingly. We only get one! Are we overeating, undereating, feeling disconnected from our body or too fixated on a part?

”When the energy of the first chakra is stimulated and distributed to the body, you will find newness in you. Then the earth element, the strength, the grit, the bullish part of you wil come alive. Whenever you need the earth element, all you have to do is mentally squeeze this area. Then you can be on top of yourself. Your own chakra will serve you.” -Yogi Bhajan

Deepen your connection with the first chakra by asking yourself:
How well do I really relate and feel my body?
How is my diet?
Where and what are my aches/pains?
How well is your daily life organized? Work? Home? Where can I improve?
Do I balance my work/social life? My time indoors and outdoors?

2nd Chakra
Color: Orange
Location: Lower abdomen, nerves feed ovaries, prostate, spleen, womb, bladder

I bet you can guess where this chakra gathers its intensity (wink wink!). Water is the element associated with the 2nd chakra. This one differs from the first chakra, where the earth grounds us and remains constant, versus water which you cannot control. It flows and rages and can rarely be contained, much like our emotions, desires, wants, and needs. Pleasure drives this chakra and can really come from sight, sound, touch, smell and taste! Seeing a beautiful waterfall, smell of a baby, sound of your favorite song—you get it! It too requires a trick of pleasure and how much is too much.

Deepen your connection to this chakra by asking:
Do you make time for fun?
Can you monitor your emotions appropriately?
Are there any pleasure addictions?
Ask yourself about some memories of your first emotions as a child and think about how they have impacted the way you are today.

3rd Chakra
Color: Yellow
Location: Above the navel, below the chest (solar plexus). Nerves feeding the pancreas, stomach, liver, gall bladder, nervous system, muscles

Will. This is the spot where we develop our own power. Have you heard the phrase, “Light the fire in your belly!” or something along those lines? Well, the element associated with this chakra is just that: fire.
This area is the balance of being able to channel energy, not control it. For example, take achieving a goal. You need the energy to carry out your steps to success, but if the energy is lacking you are not able to do so. This is where the balancing comes in.
With this, fire and heat burn. This area is also inclusive of our physical metabolism, like burning calories and how our body handles the energy we put into it. Will is very important when it comes to healthy eating and sticking with a regular exercise routine. Take a moment to evaluate your current energy level.
Ego identity is also a big part of this chakra. We all know the outcome of having too big of an ego, and the latter is low self-esteem and even low energy. Simply lacking the will to complete simple tasks.

Deepen your connection to this Chakra by asking:
Am I comfortable being me? Being different?
Are you troubled by feelings of disappointment in yourself?
Can you assert yourself when needed?
Are you a good listener/observer?
Do you allow yourself mistakes? Do you learn from those mistakes?

“Imagine your third Chakra as a fireplace, and the fire itself as your excitement, power, or potential. In order to have a good fire, you need fuel, air, and space.”

What fuels your fire? Does it have room to breathe? Where does your fire get crowded or snuffed out?

Stay tuned for chakras 4-7!

Sources: Chakra Balancing, by Anodea Judith

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