Survey Says...

About a month ago we sent out a survey to all of you – our valued clients!  We wanted to fine tune our ideas for an early morning class in Ridgefield. We are so grateful to you for taking the time out of your day to share your thoughts with us. 

We wanted to share the results with you!  We realize these early am classes are not for everyone and made sure to call this survey, Ridgefield Early Birds.  

You early birds know what you want, and we want to make sure we are giving that to you.  First, nailing down the time was important. As we all know, every minute counts in those early morning hours when you are adding a workout into the mix.  You will see from our first question: 

What time would you like class to start?
Fifty percent of you chose 5:30.  We get it! Let’s get this workout started!!


Next, we wanted to be sure that you were waking up to the type of work out you wanted; A slower relaxing class or an intense power work out.  Well, it seems that the majority are craving a little intensity! Something to get your day going with a bang!  


With an early 5:30 A.M.  start and a med-high intensity class, it makes perfect sense that most of you would prefer to keep this work out to 45 minutes.  This will be perfect to allow you to get back to your morning feeling energized! (With time for coffee of course.) 

We value your opinions and feedback so much!  One of you suggested adding a punch card option. We put our heads together and now offer that as well! Please keep the lines of communication open we want to make our classes and events as user friendly as possible.


Thank you for all the support you have given us, we strive to continue to offer you classes and events that meet your needs.  You are welcome anytime, to pop-in to a class or to challenge yourself to get the best bang for your buck with our MKP monthly all access option.  Our goal is to not only share the amazing benefits of yoga, but to have fun and always have a positive atmosphere. – We want to provide you a safe place to practice, free of judgement and expectation.

Mandy DeBordComment