Yoga love

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
— Buddha

I wanted to write a little bit about that this week!
First of all, yoga is a practice. It is always moving and evolving, just like we are. When we come to class we strive to come with no expectations or judgement on the way we move, or our thoughts, feelings and what our body decides it wants.
I love this! Everyday is a new day, and without expectations there are no negative feelings pertaining to what we think we did or did not accomplish at class.
No judgements can be a little more challenging. One might think, “Oh look at her in that perfect plank, I’ll never get there.” Or, “I’m the only one in child’s pose, I better get back up and move even though I’m just not feeling it today.” Even during balancing exercises, “I have to get my leg up higher. I’m shaking so much and it feels like everyone is looking at me.”

Don’t move the way fear makes you move. Move the way love makes you move. Move the way joy makes you move.
— Osho

Our yoga practice allows us to come to a place where we feel loved and supported mentally as well as taken care of physically. This is very important to me as an instructor. I want to make you feel like it is always your class and that I can help facilitate the best practice I can for you.
Enjoy that child’s pose, take that kneeling plank and have some fun moving and shaking in that balancing exercise.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve made it to a practice 4 times in a week or once - you are welcome, you are supported and you are worth the self-care that Yoga can bring your mind and body.
I feel so strongly that this physical and mental practice brings us back in touch with our bodies, breath, and how they all connect to our mind. This opens the door to so many things! Positivity, being present, self-love, and community.

The added bonus is what you can emanate into your life with Yoga; a closer connection to others and your passion as well as a sense of gratitude that radiates to those you interact with.
My heart will be full if you can come into class with an open mind, your mat and a smile. Smile knowing that this is your time to connect with yourself, your breath, and your body. Know you are loved and supported and that we all have our battles we’re fighting. You are not alone and your practice will always be there for you and so will will I.

Mandy DeBord