Yoga for EveryBody!


What images come to mind when you think about Yoga?

Those of you who have started your practice with us, we hope you see yourself, your friends, and your mat practicing in a space that rings true to who you are.

For those who have not practiced yoga you may see something different. Images of acrobatic poses in fancy top-of-the-line leggings and crop tops. Images like these flood the internet and ads everywhere. THIS is not yoga. Kristi and I are here to change that. Yoga is for everyone at any age or season of life, and can overcome many limitations.

Coming back in 2020, I was especially proud of our beginning yoga class as they celebrated one year of Yoga. I am pretty attached to them; They began yoga with me after years of aqua aerobics together. After a little bit of convincing there they were at their first Yoga class. I applaud their perseverance and bravery!

There we were, the first class of 2020. I wanted to pick their brains a bit and allow them to reflect on their year and what they have learned. Plus I wanted them to offer advice to anyone a little nervous about starting a yoga practice.

They grabbed their pencils and began. I will share the questions I asked and a few of their response to each.

  1. What advice would you offer someone who has never done yoga before and is nervous to try?

”Just try! Don’t be intimidated by classmates who seem to know how to do it, join a beginner class. “
”Just go to one class with a friend and try it.”
”This small class size allows the instructor to ‘teach’ and ‘guide’ you.”

Just because you think you can’t, you have to know you can, no matter what your age or weight.
— Sandee

2. What is your stage in life, and how has that impacted your decision to start a yoga practice?

”I am officially a senior citizen who needs help with balance and strength.”
”This has thoroughly helped my back.”
”I am retired now and have more time and have always wanted to try yoga.”


We are all ‘yogi’s in training’.

3. What benefits has this class brought to your life?

“I am calmer, more meditative and introspective.”
“More flexibility, better posture.”
“I enjoy the camaraderie and look forward to seeing the other students.”
“Stress relief and decrease in back pain.”

4. What is your favorite part of class?

”Stretching and massage at the end.”
”My completion of each class and looking forward to more movement.”

5. What are you most proud of?

”My ability to do more poses!”
“The new friends I have met.”

”Sticking with it! I wasn’t sure the first month or two, but it’s been a year and I’m still here.”

We’d love for you to share this story with someone who may be looking for a place to start or revisit their practice in 2020. Thank you! Namasté

Mandy DeBordComment